Archiwum 16 sierpnia 2014

sie 16 2014 Tips and Tricks: The Wedding Dress
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In mod traditional, rochia de mireasa e alba si lunga (maxi). Femeia moderna, independenta, alege insa de multe ori, modele mai putin traditionale pentru rochia de mireasa: fie opteaza pentru o culoare neobisnuita, pentru o lungime diferita sau chiar un model cu totul controversat. In fond, ceea ce ne dorim de la rochia de mireasa, e sa fie unica, speciala.

Traditionally, the wedding dress is white and long (maxi dress). But modern and idependent women, often choose less traditional wedding dress. It could be a different colour, or size, even a bold choice of design. Because on your wedding day, all we want from "the dress "is to be unique.

Silueta e cel mai important aspect de luat in considerare in alegerea oricarui obiect vestimentar si lucrurile nu sunt deloc diferite in cazul rochiei de mireasa.
O silueta migniona va arata magnific intr-o rochie scurta. Avatajul unei siluete mignione e ca poate opta oricand, indiferent de varsta, pentru rochite girly, ultra-feminine, reusind cu succes sa arate ca niste papusi adorabile.

The silhouette is the most important aspect to consider when choosing any piece of clothing and it`s not different if we talk about the wedding dress.
If you are short/ petitte, you will look magnificent wearing a short dress. A pettite woman can allways choose, regardless of the age, a girly,ultra-feminine dress, successfully managing to look like a cute doll.

Dar in orice caz, o rochie scurta de mireasa e o alegere indrazneata si interesanta, pentru orice fel de silueta. Daca va plac modelele prezentate, le gasiti la preturi foarte bune (intre 100$-190$) pe PersunMall, in categoria short wedding dresses.

In any case, a short wedding dress is a bold and interesting choice for any figure. Do you like the items presented by mey? They can be found at very good prices (100 $ -190 $) on PersunMall, here, in short wedding dresses category.
Let me know what`s your favourite dress!

bridalfashion : :